Student Solution


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Argumentative Research Paper Outline

Argumentative Research Paper

Q For our final unit of the semester, you will need to choose one of the topics provided for you in your Module for this unit, take an argumentative stance, and defend your position using evidence to back up your position. Your final paper must have 3-4 credible sources, three of which must come from the CBC library databases. All the sources I provide for you would be considered sources from the library databases. One of these must be a peer reviewed source2. Your sources should be no older than ten years, but you’re welcome to check in with me if you find a particularly good source—I’ve made exceptions before. A lot of research has been done for you. This research can be found in the Modules and Pages tabs on Canvas. You will be responsible for finding your required peer reviewed source. I will allow you to do additional research on your topic if you choose, but it must be credible research and it must be approved ahead of time. For source approval, email links to your research and I can approve it that way. That also allows documentation of the source approval. I will allow you to use a bit of outside research not from the library databases, but these must be credible sources—see the News Quality Graphic for more information on what this includes. If you need help evaluating a source—ASK! As always, you should read every article actively and critically. And in preparation for writing this paper, it would be a good idea to review the critical reading strategies presented in Chapter 1 (2-20) and argumentative writing techniques in Chapter 4 (84-120). Keep in mind that there are multiple ways to argue within most topics. Pick one that interests you, look at the research, and take a position that you feel strongly about. Another important note: You will be using quoted material from your sources to back up your claims, so part of your paper will be “unoriginal.” I will show you how to view your originality reports and it’s something you should keep track of as you draft your paper. If your final draft reports that more than 30% (read: 31% or higher) is unoriginal, I will not grade your paper and you will receive a zero and you will fail this class. Topic : Should we eliminate abstinence-only sexual education programs?

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Thesis: Abstinence-only sexual education should be eliminated so that it fulfills the demands of young adolescents in the actual world. Assertation 1: Abstinence-only sexual education should be eliminated so that it fulfills the demands of young adolescents in the actual world because it does not effectively educate them to avoid undesired pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.